Our second day in DisneyWorld involved a trip to the EPCOT theme park. It is basically what Walt Disney envisioned the future to be, but the problem is when he designed and built it, it may have looked like the future then, but now that time has caught up, it looks pretty normal. Nonetheless its still really cool, and well worth going to. But we never found out what it actually stood for?
The huge Epcot ball |
This was a really cool ride. Basically you get to design a cool car on some screens, then you sit in a car while it zooms around a test track doing 100km/h. It was pretty awesome. |
A Chevy concept car |
This is World Showcase Lagoon. All around the lagoon are heaps of different restaurants and stores representing a bunch of different countries. |
The big Epcot ball from the other side of the lagoon |
This was the America section around the Lagoon. This building is a replica of Independence Hall which we saw in Philadelphia. |
Japan |
Pretty sure this was Morocco. |
Whilst we were in England (the area that is), we found a big book detailing all the English and Scottish familial names. So naturally, you look for your own. So I immediately proceeded to look for Sowerby only to find this! I'm hoping the person that wrote this book incorrectly spelt our family name, otherwise someone better call England and get ours added! |
While in Epcot we went on a slow moving ride that showed us the "future", but it was pretty much now or at least a few years ago (but we still don't have flying cars). But anyway the ride took our photos and put our faces on silly little cartoons which we found a bit funny considering we didn't know what the ride was at the start. |
We're in space y'all |
This creature is at Epcot for rehab after it was found injured in the wild. It kept putting on a show by twirling around in the water. Such a cute thing. |
Epcot ball lit up at night. |
At night Epcot put on a huge fireworks show on the World lagoon. It was pretty spectacular. |
This Christmas tree was decorated with tonnes of flags from all the countries around the world. |
The huge sign out the front of our resort. |
So that draws our Disney World adventure to a close for now anyway (we still have Disney Land to go in LA).
We will post another blog with all our adventures from Miami but for now we are going out to explore New Orleans.
Hope everyone is well
Lauren & Kristian
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