Our time in DC was filled with staying in the ghetto (or the hood if you prefer), lots and lots of walking, a whole lot of museums and a trillion monuments.
Our room in the hood was actually nice, despite having bars on the window. But hey we had a private bathroom! |
The subway in DC |
The Capitol Building |
Squirrel.... we will never get sick of seeing these cute little critters. |
The Smithsonian Institute information building. (Kristian went a little crazy with the camera in DC, so much so I had to confiscate it for a while) |
While in Washington we visited 3 of the 19 museums that are part of the Smithsonian Institute. The first on on the list was the American Natural History Museum which was full of dinosaurs, Egyptian mummies etc etc as you will see below. |
That's a visual representation of what it looks like to be hungover. |
Our next museum stop was the American History Museum which was pretty cool. |
In the museum we got to see the star spangled banner (flag) that inspired the american national anthem, unfortunately we weren't allowed to take photos of it but it was HUGE and old looking. |
The Washington Monument... under renovations which was lame. |
The Lincoln Memorial |
Kristian insisted that this go on the blog. It was a failed attempt as a selfie due to wind and horrible sun glare as you can tell. |
The Capitol building up close. |
View of the National Mall from the Capitol building. |
Of course we had to pay the Obama's a visit during our stay in DC. The White House was actually pretty cool to see. |
Every selfie we took Kristian's head managed to block out the White House every single time. So here is a shot of us and the White House lawn. |
WWII Memorial |
Slowly getting to the Lincoln Memorial which seemed to take forever. |
While we were around all the memorials there were heaps of old War Veterans getting shown around the sites. They were wearing some of there old uniform and you could tell they were so happy to be in DC, it was a nice thing to see. |
The Reflecting Pool & Washington Monument |
The Lincoln Memorial. |
Being a typical tourist, it had to be done. |
Click on the photo to get a better view. |
The Lincoln memorial, the outside and close up. |
Kristian seems to think I have an obsession with cemeteries but I say its more a fascination but only with cemeteries here in the USA. So of course when I heard the Arlington National Cemetery was in Virginia (literally just across the bridge behind the Lincoln Memorial) I knew we had to pay it a visit, especially when I heard former US President John F Kennedy & his family were buried there. |
A quick snap of the JFK and Jackie O grave. You were allowed to take photos but you had to be silent and of course our camera had every possible sound setting turned on so it made it a little awkward to take photos. |
The Arlington Cemetery is the National Cemetery so to be buried there you had to serve your country in some way. So as expected there were hundreds upon hundreds of white military head stones. |
All we could see were white headstones, they were just endless. This photo and the ones below show this but it still doesn't seem to show exactly how far they went. |
Another one of Kristian's many snaps, he gets a bit excited and takes many photos of many different buildings. |
And here's another one, don't know which building it is exactly, but it looks cool nonetheless. |
Our last Museum on the list was the National Air & Space Museum. Now this museum was really cool but by the time we got to it we had walked 15 or more kilometers so needless to say we rushed through there pretty quick as our legs simply didn't want to walk any further, plus we had a hockey game to attend. |
You may have noticed hockey has been a general theme during our trip. We decided we would try and go to as many games we possibly could no matter what teams were playing. We were lucky enough to find some cheap tickets to a Washington Capitals home game against the Florida Panthers. |
Opening puck drop. |
Cool panorama of the stadium. |
The game was so good that it ended in a tie which meant overtime and then a shootout which was so cool to see as shootouts don't happen too often. |
And yes the Caps won, which was such a great experience to see the home crowd go crazy. |
Kristian snapped a couple of photos of the area we stayed. The photos don't do it justice what so ever, but I'm pretty sure you can gather that the area was pretty seedy. |
Nothing makes you feel safer at night than bars on your windows. |
So that's all we did in Washington, which happens to be more than both our legs can handle in 2 days. But nonetheless we had time to rest in Pittsburgh and recover before heading to Detroit (just in case we needed to run from something/someone for any particular reason).
Pittsburgh was pretty chill, but it was a really nice place, which we will document in our next post!
So until then, hope everyone's doing well and we will talk soon.
Lauren & Kristian.
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