Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hockey, 4.30am wake up and a cat smuggler

After the whole credit card debacle  we had managed to book ourselves bus tickets, then went for a walk around Gastown, another section of Vancouver city. After staying in the not the nicest part of town it's was a nice surprise to go to Gastown which had tree lined streets, with flowers, lots of gift shops and plenty of tourists. After a stroll around and purchasing a rose off a homeless man we headed off to our first NHL game.

To be honest I can not even begin to describe what the game was like. The crowd, the venue, everything was nothing like we'd ever seen before.
The moment when the teams come on the ice in incredible. Especially for the home team (Vancouver), the crowd just went insane. 
Kristian's team the San Jose Sharks were playing (though you wouldn't even know they were in the building due to the amount of Canucks fans etc).
To our delight the Sharks ended up beating Vancouver.... But we couldn't cheer due to the huge amount of Canucks supporters around us.
When we get to a computer we will post a whole bunch of photos of Gastown and the game.

And that brings us to today. Due to our bus leaving at 6.30am it meant we had to be at the station at 5.30am and up ready to catch our cab at 4.30am, so needless to say we are incredibly tired today.
I am writing this post from the bus purely to make the last hour or so go a little quicker as we have been on here for 13.5hours already.
The journey so far has been great despite us running pretty late due to people being slow getting back on the bus when we stop. One thing that has improved the trip is the incredible scenery we have seen.
I remember waking up after being asleep for a couple of hours and all I could see were trees and mountains. It really was just stunning to wake up to. 

That reminds me I really should tell you about the cat smuggler. Half way through the trip we heard a few meows, I assumed it was someone's phone with a very life like message tone but nope sure enough a woman a few rows back from us was smuggling her cat on the bus obviously to get it where ever she was going. From what I can gather Greyhound have a pretty strict not pet policy, so everyone spent 10 hours trying to ignore this cat so the lady wouldn't get caught.

I wrote all of the above from the bus yesterday, but our wifi wasn't working at the hostel last night. So just to let you all know we are in Banff now and it is pouring with rain and freezing cold.
Today we are off to The Rimrock Resort, which we are both very excited about.
Anyway more on that later, I'm going to finish my Starbucks :)

Lauren and Krispy

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