Normally when you are having trouble with credit cards its because you've overspent and are in massive debt. Not a nice situation, hence why neither of us have one and prefer to use only the money we do have. However, I never ever thought I'd ever have a problem not owning one, but sometimes pigs can fly so here we are today.
We were meant to be hiring a car tomorrow to drive to Banff, then onto Calgary over the next 4 days.
However as the problem stands, we cannot rent a vehicle without a credit card. Cash nor debit MasterCard will not suffice anymore, and supposedly that's a big problem for Australian tourists. You see, nobody tells you that you'll be needing a credit card to hire a vehicle, logically any debit MasterCard or visa should be fine, as you can do anything In Australia with them the same as a credit card, but the rules change this side of that big blue ocean. And there are no compromises, bar none.
But oh well.
What does this mean for us? Well, as new challenges continuously present themselves, we must also react to such inevitable adversities, and that means leaving the car behind and getting on a good ol' trusty bus (with WiFi so its super advanced!). Which wasn't such a bad move in the end, we can take it easy, relax, sleep and sightsee without the added pressure of driving 11 hours straight on the wrong side of the road. Plus we will save almost a grand in the meantime so some extra luxuries are on the way in the near future.
But overall, this doesn't change anything. We still get to see everything we want to see at the rate we want to see it, which was the most important thing (and save some bucks along the way).
This was more of a situation update anyway, we will post another blog tomorrow detailing our hockey game and 13 hour bus ride to Banff through the rockies.
Until then,
Kristian & Lauren.
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