So we have finally had the time and resources to upload the Boston photos. Hurrah! It feels like months since we were there, but looking back through the photos we actually miss the place. Its quite late here so we wont have time to write much on them but we will provide you with a little caption detailing the photo.
One of the many historic streets of Boston. |
Self explanatory.View below for the actual site. |
The exact site in which the massacre occurred. |
The museum for such massacre, which funnily enough was closed due to the government shutdown. But it later reopened whilst we were there. |
One of the three Boston Marketplace Buildings. And yes, there were some cool markets inside! |
The alley between the 3 Marketplaces which was very nicely done up with its painful-to-walk-on cobblestones. |
Just a damn cool pub. |
This was a memorial for the holocaust victims. Shockingly sad. |
The old Boston Clock Tower, well I don't think that's what its called but we will just leave it at that. |
The same alley from above between the Marketplace buildings, as you can see it was very nice at night. |
A night time panorama of the three Boston Marketplace buildings (though I think you can only see two). Remember, click to enlarge. |
Whilst we were in Boston we took the time to visit the famous Harvard University. The few photos below are taken around the University and its yards.
The random colourful chairs sitting in the main Square of Harvard University. They promote creative thinking. |
This is meant to be a statue of Mr Harvard, but as it turns out nobody actually knows what he looks like so its just some other smart person. |
Whilst at Harvard we noticed everyone seemed to be getting there photo taken with the above statue, and by everyone I mean a large asian tour group... one at a time. Then all of a sudden this gentleman popped up. We couldn't help but take a quick snap of how he decided to pose.
Then we realised he had brough along his kung foo ninja friends who all decided to pose like this infront of the statue. This went on for a few minutes, with them swapping poses. We couldn't help but tear up with laughter, they were that hilarious.
More of Harvard's picturesque campus. |
I had a moment. The surroundings inspired me. |
Some other colorful chairs in the Harvard Square. |
Massachusetts Hall, the oldest building on the Harvard campus. |
Me getting my Harvard on! |
This photo and the one below are pretty self explanatory and the typical tourist shot. But the gates are the main entrance into Harvard |
We visited the Granary Burying Ground in Boston City which has alot of famous people buried there, including people who signed the declaration of independence etc. Google them, its really interesting. |
This is Benjamin Franklin's family tomb, he isn't buried here but is whole extended family is which was pretty interesting. |
I recommend people to google Paul Revere and learn why he played such an important part in American history. Whilst at the cemetery we notice people leaving money on the grave sites of people like Paul Revere. So out of respect we decided to follow suit. |
This was taken outside the famous Fenway Park Baseball ground as you can see in the background. But what was more important was we saw the guys from one of my favorite bands 3OH!3 outside their bus before getting into the car. I tried to get a quick snap but only got the head of one of them just above the left side of the car. Still amazing. |
This was the entrance to our ghetto hood we were staying in during our time in Boston. It was definitely an experience, that's for sure, but it was worth the money.
For now I think thats a wrap, check again tomorrow as we will start posting our photos from New York... which we have hundreds of so far.
Off to Philadelphia tomorrow to see Lauren's beloved Flyers play, then back to New York for a couple of nights are a few nights in Phily.
Hope you're all well
Kristian and Lauren
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