Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Photos from Niagara and Ottawa

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the lateness with posting photos. We have spent our time in Montreal relaxing and taking it easy, but our hosts have let us borrow there laptop so now we can finally upload some photos from Niagara Falls and Ottawa.

The American side of Niagara Falls

The Canadian (real) side of the falls

A quick snap out of the window of the worlds smallest church/chapel

The local pub in the town of Niagara on the lake

Bus selfies

Getting excited to get sprayed
View of the American falls up close
View of the falls :)

Nice and wet

Just a little bit soaked

Drenched but completely worth it

View heading away from the falls

Trying to dry off

Pretty Rainbow by the falls
We have a million other incredible photos of the falls but we shall have to show you all of them when we get home.


Our super lovely room in Ottawa

Fall has started :)

These drinks were crazy huge. Even these photos don't do them justice.
Hotdog and poutine time

Kristian enjoying his 'slawwwww'

Fall (Autumn) in Canada is just lovely

Little bit windy Krispy?

The Parliament buildings
In winter this whole river freezes and its used as a giant ice rink

Panorama view of Ottawa

Front of the Parliament building

So now we are roughly up to date.
Tomorrow we leave Montreal for Quebec City for 3 nights then come back to Montreal for a couple of days before heading to Boston.
Montreal has been great so far, but we swear we are in France. Luckily most people speak english, even though some pretend that they don't.We have finally had our first rainy days, but honestly we aren't complaining as it has given us a reason to just sit back and relax.

Anyway we will post again in a day or so from Quebec City.
Goodluck to mum, dad & Ryan with the handover of the shop, and we hope everyone else is well.

Lauren & Kristian

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