Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lauren goes superman in Boston!

After our gruelling 9 hour bus journey (well it wasn't that bad, we just like to exaggerate, it was probably one of the better bus rides we've had actually), we finally arrived into Boston.

Cue the United States of America.

And what a wonderful place it is, well so far that is, we have only seen one place so far so I probably cannot make such a judgment right away. But before I get onto  our accommodation, which is a funny story in itself, I must first explain the title of this blog post.

To do so, we must go back a couple of weeks. Throughout the trip Lauren has had a few little trip ups in various locations, but thankfully nothing serious, more like a mere stumble that you get a chuckle out of. And every time such stumble occurs we say to ourselves, ohh god I can feel the big one coming, the BIG fall. But it never came. Weeks went by, stumbles came and went, but no big fall.

Fast forward back to today, judgment day. Let me lay down the scenario. After leaving the sports bar a few beers and a hockey game later, we headed towards the T Line or the subway to head back for then night. The station was relatively empty, which is acceptable given it was almost 10pm. So the train arrived, and because it was so late at night it was a smaller train, and they tend to be smaller trains that stop at the end of the platform, of course not where we were sitting. So we decided to get a little jog on to catch such train. So here we are jogging for a train in an underground station, next thing I know I hear the dreaded sound of Laurens thong (or flip flop for people stateside) catch on something on the ground. 'Oh crap, my immediate reaction in more explicit words (and yes I know the sound of Lauren falling over because I am just that used to it by now). So I immediately turn around  only to catch Lauren in a horizontal superman pose all but 30cm off the ground. Next thing I knew, slap. The hands went first, then the chest then the knees. It was colossal. I had never seen so much drama from a single fall, it had that much action I swear we were going to need an ad break in the middle just to break it up and leave people in suspense.

So now remember when I said the station was empty, well now it was half full from people exiting the train and the casual observers on the train that just happened to be lucky enough to catch such calamity. I'm guessing we made their day. But being the good boyfriend I am I quickly scooped her balling face back up onto her feet and proceeded to inspect the impact zones. Because it was on a train station platform, we were on tile, so the slide from her attempted superman was thing of legend. It was that good that after inspecting the injuries, she even had slight friction burns on the tops of her little toes, and that means her feet must have been upside down at time of impact and slide; so now do you appreciate the magnitude of the fumble. I thought so!

In all seriousness though, Lauren has somewhat recovered from her mishap, escaping with only a bump on her knee and completely shattered dignity. All in all a good day if I must say. We managed to have a good laugh though, and I recall the first thing Lauren said after the sobbing had subsided was 'how good would that have looked to the people standing on the train!' And she was right, I could only imagine it would have looked spectacular.

So that was our entertainment for the evening. But as for our accommodation in Boston, that's actually another rather funny story. As most of you probably know we have been primarily staying in Air BNB's throughout the duration of our trip primarily because they are cheap and offer you a great location, but also because you get to meet some really cool people. However, pictures can be deceiving, as we found out. So we booked a place in Cambridge, about 3km out of Boston just down the road from Harvard University (yes the real Harvard) and the pictures looked quite nice. Plus it was mega cheap at $42 a night for the both of us, we thought you beauty, so we booked it. Upon our arrival, we can now understand why it only cost $42 a night. The best way to describe the place is it has or had 'character' and that's a pretty ambiguous compliment. It kind of feels like we are living in the ghetto, but then as soon as you step outside everything is nice again. Photos will give a better snapshot of the place and the pure horror and disgust on Laurens face when we walked into the place. We will upload them when we get a chance to upload our montreal photos.

So tomorrow we are off to do a walking tour of Harvard University which should be very interesting, then probably off to check out what downtown Boston has to offer. In the meantime we will try and upload Montreal photos as soon as possible to avoid getting behind.

So until then, I hope everyone's well!
Kristian & Superman

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