Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lauren's gone crazy!

Our little blog has felt a little bit neglected as of late, due to our accommodations not having WiFi in rooms! But hopefully that will be about to change as we try our luck with our second Times Square Hotel tomorrow night. The way we are booking accommodation in New York City is a little bit unconventional, but completely awesome. While a little risky, we are leaving the bookings to the day of, so 12pm that day, to secure our accommodation for the night. The cons for such method include not having somewhere to stay, but as we found out earlier today, the rewards outweigh this substantially. You see, Times Square, nay, New York City, is extremely expensive. A dirty hostel can set you back about $120 a night, just for a hostel! So we've been waiting for the day of, the time when expensive hotels are desperately trying to fill rooms, at any price, just to escape leaving a room empty and running a loss. So that's where we come in, we swoop in at that last minute and book these ripper rooms. For example, today we checked out of our hostel, having nowhere booked. So at 12pm exactly, we jumped on Hotels Tonight, a company that specializes in late bookings, and snapped up a room for 1 night at the Milford Plaza. Normally an expensive hotel/plaza right around the corner from Times Square, like literally 30 seconds walk, we nabbed it for around $170, and that's cheeeaaapp, considering every other hotel NOT in Times Square will set you back $260+ (without the insane views from the 28th floor we got). Lets just hope we have the same luck tomorrow, otherwise it'll be a night with the homeless in Central Park, but that doesn't sound that bad I guess, it is after all Central Park.

But I digress, I'll get back to the title of the post.

So Lauren's gone crazy, and damn has she ever. Shes a conservative girl at the best of times, never one to draw attention. that's until she got to New York. Let me lay out some examples for you. On our first day in the Big City, we happen to be walking over a pedestrian crossing on Broadway right next to Central Park, and as we were crossing this man in his taxi cab was pumping loud music and having his own little dance party while waiting for the pedestrians to cross. Well this just wouldn't do for Lauren, she felt that this dance party should not be invite only, to which she wasn't invited, but open for the public. So in her usual fashion, in the middle of the pedestrian crossing over Broadway, Lauren decided to bust a move. And man did the cab driver love it. And there we were, in the middle of the street, in what seemed like a little dance competition between a cab driver and Lauren, one that I believe Lauren won. Her swagger was clearly to much for this cabbie.

My second example comes to me the next day, at Starbucks of all places. Lauren was greeted by a dancing barrista. I know what your all thinking, and I wish it had happened like all your vivid imaginations would have it, but no there was no dance off, I guess Lauren was all danced out the previous night. It would have been one epic showdown, the title fight. Instead Lauren went on to high five the barrista, and it was weird. very, very weird. Her interaction with the public levels were going off tap. But I guess that's what New York City does to you. Its turns the quietest, reserved people crazy. But I cant complain, its all good entertainment for me.

The third example is the most telling of them all. See now I've known Lauren to be quite the dancer for a long time. More of the behind closed doors dance enthusiast. But her next act, was purely life changing. Showering in shared toilets sucks. There's no getting around it. You have to wear thongs (unless your especially fond of things growing on your feet) and a whole lot of other nasties that come with it. Now a lot of people bring their own shampoo and conditioner, which helps when you need to wash your hair. Now on this particular day, some poor girl had left her expensive shampoo and conditioner, specifically Toni & Guy, and that's a big no no in a hostel. These were big bottles, they weren't no little travel bottles, and according to Lauren this is an expensive product. So Lauren decided on capitalizing on this girls absentmindedness, and nick both bottles! And while this doesn't sound that outrageous or shocking, you have to keep in mind this is Lauren, the worlds best good Samaritan. Any bad deed will hand on her conscious like fly's around dung. So as I'm walking out of the mens bathroom, I see her scuttling along the hallways with a peculiar look upon her face. It was one of those looks that said, 'Can't stop, on secret monkey business'. So naturally I was curious, so I walk at an increased pace, almost jog, to find out whats going on. The next thing I notice, Lauren slightly lifts up her shirt at the bottom, she was packing, two bottles of shampoo and conditioner! Thievery had taken place in our humble hostel. I didn't have a problem with it personally, it just means we don't have to buy more shampoo and conditioner down the track, which ultimately saves me around $12, so I was more than happy with this unusual move from Lauren.

So that was only 2 days in New York City, I am incredibly excited to see the events unfold over the next 3 days from here on out!

But getting back to where we were up to, we need to talk about Boston, or Boy-ston, as its locally referred to as. We will upload some photos from Boston tomorrow and do a running commentary. So tune in tomorrow for that update.

Now its 10:15pm and we are heading up the Empire State Building for our Free night time viewing session which should be incredibly amazing. So after we post our Boston photos tomorrow, we will start to upload the start of New York later on in the same post.

So until then, we hope everyone's well, and check in tomorrow for some photo's!
Kristian & Lauren.

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