Monday, October 14, 2013

Quebec City - photo update

Our time in Quebec city was just gorgeous, but we thought photos would do the city more justice than words.

The main street in Old Quebec City

A panoramic view of the St Lawrence river

Meet Sofia & Lorenzo, our Air bnb hosts little Italian greyhound puppies. They were beyond adorable.

The Fairmont Chateau - getting some renos done

The main entrance into Old Quebec city
The lower part of Old Quebec City

Cheeky squirrel

A typical store front in the old city

Feels like France
Halloween is coming

The oldest church in North America

The square where all the executions took place hundreds of years ago.

The oldest buildings in Quebec City

This is the super cute little electric bus that goes all around town. We giggled everytime it drove past us.

This is Kristian's "artsy" photo of me, with the Fairmont behind.
 In Quebec we found this gem of a restaurant called Mikes. We both had the best pizzas we have ever had! The pizza above was Kristian's which had bacon, chicken and mushrooms. And mine below was a carbonara pizza, with alfredo sauce and bacon. They were so deliciously life changing that we came back the next night.

Quebec city just gets prettier at night time.

Ready for our ghost tour around Old Quebec.

Our little ghosts, though Kristian thinks his looks more like toast.
The start of our ghost tour

Terrible photo, but this is the most haunted street in Quebec

The old Quebec Seminary

Inside the most haunted building in Quebec. And trust me it was actually super spooky!

The Fairmont Chateau
Walking along the city walls

The Fairmont is super pretty at night

Ending our trip to Quebec with a bowl of Hot Chocolate
Anyway we are now back in Montreal only for a couple of more days then on the 15th we will be on our way to Boston.
We will be sure to post photos of Montreal before we leave for Boston.

Hope everyone is well.

Lauren & Kristian :)

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